Messy Church is Back July 2024

Church Open Days

St Peter’s will now be open on the first Saturday afternoon each month from 1pm-3pm. You are welcome to come in, spend time in the church and rest awhile. Refreshments available.


The Woolley Haggis Watch 10.08.2024




Men Behaving Godly Group

23rd July at 7pm till 9pm Bay Horse Public House

(30 Stoney Lane, Chapelthorpe WF4 3JN).

Please note the change in date owing to clashes on the date we would normally meet.


Did you know that men are a minority group within church congregations. As we all appreciate on the whole men are shy and timid creatures and may find churches a bit daunting. With this in mind we are holding a monthly mens group where we can chat about God, the world, items on the news and basically chew the cud.

After a lot of in depth research we think we have found the perfect setting where men may feel comfortable, relaxed and come together in a safe environment aka the pub!

We meet in The Bay Horse Public House on usually the last Tuesday of most months at 7pm. You don’t have to be a member of any of our congregations to come along – all are welcome.