Donations church & community


On behalf of the congregation and the community that we serve –

we thank you for your donations. 


If you would like to financially support St Peter’s Parish Church, please click on the link below:

St Peter’s Give A Little Donations


When donating can we ask that if you pay tax in the UK that you also complete the Gift Aid form.  Anything that you can give is greatly appreciated.


You can set up a Standing Order securely with our church treasurer, please email for details. 


Making Donations in Church

If you regularly support your church using  Giving Envelopes could you bring them to church with you and place them on the collection plate when leaving. We now also have a contactless payment facility which can be used on arrival or when leaving church.




Do you buy online from well-known retailers? If so, please access their online stores through
Hundreds of major retailers donate to charity for online orders placed through this site. St Peter’s Church is registered as Woolley Church. So, if you decide to buy anything online from any of the 500 UK retailers, first you simply find Woolley Church (under Find a Cause – W), register yourself as a purchaser, and Woolley Church will be identified as the cause you want to support by your purchases. Why not visit the site now and see what they have to offer?



Food items for the Calder Grove Cricket Club Foodbank (CGCC) can be brought to services.




We welcome your contributions anytime – please place in the box in the church porch.